Positive Attitude T-shirt Competition 2014

The Positive Attitude T-shirt competition runs from March 1st – 21st, 2014.  All letters must be turned into the instructor between March 21st – 31st. Only students who qualify for the competition can purchase this special t-shirt.  If a student qualified for the competition and is registered for Summer Camp 2014 then you DO NOT need to purchase this shirt online.

Option 1: If the student is registered for Summer Camp and qualifies for the T-shirt there is no cost for the cotton tee shirt. For an extra $8.oo per shirt, you can upgrade to the high-tech fiber.  This fee for the upgraded shirt can be paid by phone at 301-938-2711.

Option 2: If a child is not registered for Summer Camp the cost of the shirt is $22.00. The high-tech fiber is also available for $30.00


1. Letter from teacher at school stating that student has a postive attitude and is repsectful during class time.

2. Letter from parent / guardian stating that student has a positive attitude and does not use karate at innapropriate times or on siblings at home.  Must include the t-shirt size that the student wears.

3. Verbal approval from regular karate instructor

All letters MUST be turned directly into the instructor between March 21st – 31st. Letters will *not* be accepted via email.  Please note that there will be NO EXCEPTIONS made after March 31st.

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